Unsupported Operation 63 - First for 2012
- Sensei DB - Open-source, distributed, realtime, semi-structured database from LinkedIn
- Resteasy 2.3.1
- Gitblit 0.8.2 - pure java git repo manager
- Guartz 1.1 out - Guice + Quartz
- New chromedriver release from SeleniumHQ - release notes - download - interesting, downloads are from the chromium google code site, not selenium? Oo - this is the server...
- Eclipse Orion - new content assist ( live templates ) a lot of nice improvements in this new milestone release.
Apache Maven / Sonatype
- Apache Maven 3.0.4 FINAL release ;-)
- Eclipse Aether gets a top level website
- Nexus OSS changes license to EPL
- Maven FindBugs Plugin version 2.4.0
- Maven EAR Plugin, version 2.7
- Maven Skins v6 released, Fluido is new and based on Twitter’s bootstrap project:
- Apache HTTP Server 2.2.222 released - 6 security vulnerabilities and some additional features.
- Apache Camel 2.8.4, bug fixes and more stuff
- Apache Rave 0.7-INCUBATING - web mashup engine (in Java)
- Apache Qpid 0.14 - AMQP solution with lots of brokers
- Struts, Tomcat, Directory Studio, MyFaces Extensions CDI, Commons Pool, Kafka, Hadoop went 1.0 (Jan 5), HttpComponents HttpCore, POI and Archiva all had releases in our hiatus