Episode 65
Other / Misc
- Play 2.0 RC2 available. When asked where the webframework for Kotlin is at JFokus, JB reps said “Look at Play 2.0, we’ll make it work with Kotlin”. Good to know they’re not interested in reinventing every wheel out there.
- DropWizard went 0.2.0 - guys get your versions sorted!
- lamdaj 2.4 released - looks nice, but after using Kotlin/Xtend - these all feel too hacked on - even more so than they did before.
- Netty 3.3.1 released - supports SPDY, SPDY seems to be gaining traction and a call for it to be included in HTTP 2.0 has also been made.
- HalBuilder 1.0.1 released to Maven Central.
- Gerrit is now available at the Eclipse foundation
- TeamCity 7.0 RC
- IntelliJ IDEA 11.1 114.145 EAP
- new Groovy Console / REPL - doesn’t work against grails apps apparently (yet)
- More SVN 1.7 improvements
- Kotlin build tools available - Evgeny Goldin has been writing the maven plugin, which currently relies upon his ivy-plugin to download the latest kotlin from teamcity ( which exposes artifacts as an Ivy repo - NOT a maven repo ).
- Did we say Kotlin was open sourced?
- A decompiled Kotlin class shows how named parameters, nullability, and type reification works to enhance IDE support.
- Apollo Action MQ Sub-project went 1.0 - Apollo's new threading model which is geared to multi-core microprocessors makes it faster, more scalable and more reliable than ActiveMQ and perhaps many other messaging projects.
- Apache Sqoop 1.4.1 incubating release - used for migrating Hadoop data between Hadoop and relational dbs
- Apache DeltaCloud announced as top level project -Apache Deltacloud defines a RESTful Web Service application programming interface (API) for interacting with Cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular Clouds such as Amazon, Eucalyptus, GoGrid, IBM, Microsoft, OpenStack, Rackspace, and more. In addition to the API server, the project also provides client libraries for a wide variety of languages.
- Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.9
- Subversion 1.7.3
- Apache DeltaSpike - CDI extentions repository for Java devs
- HttpClient 4.2.1-beta