Unsupported Operation - Final for 2011
Java / Oracle / Tool / Language Related
- Java 7u2 released, ships with JavaFX 2.0.2 which was also released
- JavaFX 2.0 - Intro By Example is available on Kindle as well - didn’t realize there any books out on this.
- Java 6u30 also released
- eFX is a new JavaFX/Netbeans Platform framework
- NetBeans 7.1 RC1 released
- JetBrains released IntelliJ IDEA 11 - a bugfix update to TeamCity was also released last week
- Google’s Eclipse plugin is now open source
- Orion, Eclipses Cloud IDE has gone 0.4 M1 - new and noteworthy include HTML syntax highlighting, Code Mirror syntax highlighting (including mixed-mode documents, such as htmll/javascript/php), syntax validation, content type service (to store different mime types), and much more
- State of the Lambda
- JSR 292 Goodness: Almost static final fields - for the language level hackers
- JSR 352 passes with two no votes - Batch JSR
- Redline Smalltalk compiler “complete” - work on the runtime begins. Why Smalltalk on the JVM?
- Dart on Chromium
- ShaftServer is a new DartVM Application Server -
- jHiccup is a new performance monitoring/analysis tool released under Creative Commons from Azul Systems
- HP open source webos
- Interesting that they’re asking the community to decide/recommend licensing, governance etc.
- Adobe joins the OSGi Alliance Board of Directors ( Adobe’s Felix Meschberger apointed to BOD - principal developer/driver of the Apache Felix OSGi container ).
Web Server / Web Frameworks
- PrimeFaces Mobile 0.9 - JSF optimized for mobiles
- Oracle releases Weblogic 12c - which finally does full J2ee6
- Apache Geronimo goes full J2EE 6 certified
- Jetty 8 got released without much fanfare. Its available as standalone download, maven artifacts, rpm and debian packages
- Jersey 1.11 released with Eclipse MOXy support
- Apache Wicket 1.5 released
- Restfuse 1.0 has been released - its a test framework for REST apis running with junit.
- DropWizard - REST framework from Coda Hale / Yammer - has nice heartbeat system for built-in monitoring/testing
- Hibernate 4.0 Final
- Hibernate Search 4.0 Final
- Book: Practical Unit Testing with TestNG and Mockito - available Q1 2012
- Mockito 1.9 released
- Pax Exam 2.3 has been released
- Confluence 4.1 released
- JDBC driver for Neo4j from Rickard Oburg
- Google Guava 11rc1 out - changes
- +Antur Kotwal is heading to Auckland on Janurary 5 to talk about new ICS APIs.
- ICS shipping to Nexus S devices over the next week or two
- Grails 2.0
- groovy 2.0 roadmap outlined
- modularity! no more swing in your server app!
- Adopts Play framework as official
- Scala IDE for Eclipse gets an update
- Typesafe has been in damage control over recent high profile Scala dissing - introduces a paid for service that protects you against binary incompatibility, all the rest of you have to suffer
- Scala+GWT compiler has gone to version 3, seems to be following Scala’s trend of changing a lot of the internals
- And a summary of the Yammer debate
- Xtend 2.2 released with standalone compiler, ant task, maven plugin.
Apache Maven
- Maven 2.x Release Plugin - Version 2.2.2
- Fixed problems with version numbers in profiles not being updated, updated to SCM 1.6
- Maven Dependency Plugin - Version 2.4
- Minor changes but one HUGE improvement:
- Add to purge-local-repository goal ability to clean only snapshots
- Minor changes but one HUGE improvement:
- dependencypath-maven-plugin
- Sets a property pointing to the artifact file for each selected project dependency. Each property name will have a base name in form of groupId:artifactId:type:[classifier][.relative][.suffix]. This is similar to the /dependency:properties/ goal but with additional features, like setting a relative path and filtering.
- Maven Surefire Plugin, version 2.11
- Maven FindBugs Plugin version 2.3.3
- Mock Repository Manager version 1.0-alpha-1
- The Mock Repository Manager suite of projects are used to provide mock or lightweight Maven Repository Managers for use during integration testing of Maven plugins.
- Still no Apache Maven 3.0.4 release, rolled to rc4 after several issues were found, awaiting a re-release of Wagon to increase HTTP timeouts before rerolling rc5.