- JLine 2.6 released! A milestone in good command line java support. This release has been a LONG time coming.
- TestNG 6.4 was released the other week with some funky new CSS based reports, breaks under IntelliJ due to a protocol change, and how the IntelliJ plugin operates - hopefully will be resolved soon.
- Atlassian to abandon the Mac App Store
- New JSR for Money and Currency - aims to solve the deficiencies in java.util.Currency - a class I never really knew existed until a few months ago! Stephe Coleborne (Joda-Time, Joda-Money) was on the expert group, but no longer appears to be.
- Restlet officially company name to “Restlet”
- new Eclipse IDE for model driven REST APIs
- RestletApps - premade restlet based apps to reuse
- RestletCloud - cloud server/paas for hosting restlet apps.
- SolrCloud - distributed indexing
- Http Async got a 4.0 beta 1 release
- Tomcat 7.0.26 got a bugfix
- OpenJPA 2.2.0
- forgot to mention on Feb 2 that JMeter 2.6 was released
- Apache Http Server went 2.4 with their 17th birthday
- Amazon released their Simple workflow service (SWF???). Not gone into it, but some people seem excited by it (Alex from Kotlin, ex Groovy++)
Active Google Code
- http://code.google.com/p/zxing/ - zebra crossing
- 1d/2d barcode generation/parsing - “barcodescanner” uses it.
- http://code.google.com/p/wiquery/
- Jquery and jQuery UI bindings for Apache Wicket - moved to github.
Active Github Projects