Unsupported Operation 50
- Java 6u27 released
- Project Lambda now generates methods, not objects.
- Java FX 2.0 beta 40
- Dean Iverson has also just posted a screencast on writing JavaFX applications with Griffon.
- JBoss Developer Studio 4.1
- CloudBees releases Eclipse plugin
- Hibernate 3.6.7 Final
- Hibernate 4.0.0.CR1
- Mobicents SIP Servlets 1.6.0-FINAL
- Cucumber JVM opens its doors to the world
- PIT 0.21 mutation testing
- Alberto Savoia from Google has released a free PDF booklet on Pretotype testing, “Between abstract ideas and ‘proper prototypes’ there are pretotypes.”
- Oracle releases JCP.next - indicates development has to be open, but does not deal with licensing issues that have led to split in JCP itself.
- Wing Hang Li is a student studying an MSc in Information Technology at Glasgow University has developed a Java Fork Join Profiler which aims to expose some of the behaviour of programs using the Fork Join library. It does this using an instrumented version of the jsr166y library and other tools like HProf. Currently it can show the number of tasks within the Fork Join pool, the mean and standard deviation of those tasks within the worker threads, the amount of garbage collection taking place and the amount of activity within each method. He’s looking for volunteers to help his research/project by supplying stats/profiles of real code using Fork/Join. Java 6 version, Java 7 version, any comments/feedback sent them do 1001759l@student.gla.ac.uk, or take the survey.
- Apache JMeter 2.5
- Tomcat 6.0.33 - a security and some bug fixes
- Apache Maven 3.0.4 release imminent
- Watch Minecraft creator Notch write a game from scratch in 48 hours
- Videos from this weekends RESTFest conference are being posted to vimeo.
- There is a whole BOOK on the SPDY protocol from PragProg
- Grails archetype is arse
- Google purchased Motorola Mobility, but we aren’t sure what to say about that
- Firefox is dropping visible version numbers (like Chrome)