Unsupported Operation 51
- Java 7u2 Developer Preview available
- sun-java-6 packages to be removed from ubuntu/debian and all linux distributions, Oracle terminates distribution license
- All videos from this years JVM Language summit now online
- Gosling quits google for ocean robotics company - given he was doing a lot of autonomous car stuff before makes sense.
- AppleScript javax.scripting support added to the Mac OpenJDK port - binary installer for OS/X
- Doug Lea’s committed a candidate replacement of ConcurrentHashMap for JDK8 designed to more amenable to upcoming support for aggregate parallel operations including memoization support via computerIfAbsent
- JSR 348 (JCP.next) is in Public Review - please provide feedback, summary of changes
- Restlet 2.0.9 and 2.1M6 - we missed this last week.
- Heroku now supports Java
- Tapestry 5.3 beta
- ZK 5.0.8 maintenance release
- HawtDB 1.6
- Findbugs-guice 0.1 - findbugs plugin for Google Guice related issues.
- Disrupter 2.0
- Pax URL 1.3.5
- IntelliJ IDEA 10.5.2 released
- TeamCity 7 EAP opened
- Jetbrains “Back to Office” sale - up to 50% off
- QA Plug 1.2.8 and QA Plug - Checkstyle 1.2.6 - not from Jetbrains, but another inspection framework - supports PMD, Checkstyle, FindBugs, and Hammurapi
- Scala for the Impatient by Cay Horstman - free ebook sample.
- Looks like we never learn from logging - scala future facades
- Scala 2.9.1 Final
- Ringfinger is another web framework
- Clooj 0.1.32 - simple IDE for clojure released.
- Clojure 1.3.0-beta3 out
- Spring AMQP 1.0GA
- Spring 3.0.6 maintenance release
- Spring Data Graph 1.1.0 with Neo4J support
- Micro Cloud Foundry - run your cloud app locally, just like it would in the real cloud.
- Apache Bigtop 0.10 hits the Incubator - Bigtop is a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem.
- Apache James 3 beta 3
- Apache Tomcat 6.0.33 bug/security fix release
- Apache Tomcat 7.0.20 ( and now .21)
- Apache Tomcat 5.5 End of Life
- Apache Karaf 2.2.3
- NSA wrote a NoSQL database, and has now donated it to Apache
- Apache Subversion 1.7-rc2
- Apache Server 2.2.20 - to fix DoS attack
Apache Maven / Sonatype
- The vote has passed 12/22 PMC members to release Apache Maven 3.0.4 with an EPL Aether/Sisu binary dependency - as soon as these two libraries official EPL/Ecipse released artifacts the maven release can go ahead. *YAY*
- Maven Archetype Plugin version 2.1 - you can now filter the archetype list!
- Maven jar plugin, version 2.3.2 and maven-archiver 2.4.2 - Specific news for this release is the support for java7 file attributes, which can give a noticeable performance boost on linux and mac running java7. Certain performance improvements can also be expected on Java1.5/Java6 on linux and mac. Both releases require java 1.5 or newer.
- maven-deploy-plugin 2.7, maven-gpg-plugin 1.4
- maven-compiler-plugin has issues with JDK7’s javac output. A new version of the plugin is due hopefully this/next week with a fix for this.
- SQL Maven Plugin version 1.5
- Selenium Maven Plugin 2.0 - updated to selenium sever 2.2.0, support for passing system properties
- Maven Site Plugin version 3.0 and Maven Reporting Exec version 1.0.1
- AspectJ Maven Plugin version 1.4
- nbm-maven-plugin 3.6 ( netbeans module plugin )
- webtest-maven-plugin version 1.0.0 - runs canoo web test
- Nexus
- Sonar 2.10 released - internationalization, manual measures, notifications
Android / Google
- AChartEngine - open source charting lib for Android
- Cyanogen Mod 7 running on the HP TouchPad
- Github issue tracker for Android - why you would want to track/raise issues on a mobile I never know - GET SOME DOWNTIME PEOPLE!
- Baidu forks Android
- GMail Offline returns - to the Chrome Store ONLY.