Unsupported Operation 48
- IntelliJ IDEA 10.5.2 EAP build 107.481 is available
- Eclipse 3.8M1 has Java 7 support. A bit slow?
- TeamCity 6.5.3
- Why Jetbrains needs Kotlin -
- Atlassian Jira 4.4 - new installer, support for user timezones, gui workflow viewer, gui workflow designer, new project centered admin
- EhCahe 2.5 goes beta
- Joda-time 2.0 - now with generics ( not sure where tho ), mostly binary and source compatible, some changes if you wrote/extended your own Chronologies
- JavaFX 2.0 gets FXML - XML based UI markup - XAML anyone? Reminds me of Apache Pivot.
- Ted Neward responds to Dr Dobbs potshots at Oracle/J7 bugs
- he is wrong in that the first bug related to the issue was the 13th of May. Not 5 days. And they could have just turned the flag off by default - in 5 days. Or a month as the case may be.
- Qi4j 1.4 - Composite Oriented Programming - programming framework with based on mixins.
- Resteasy 2.2.2
- JCS (java caching) and BCEL moved to Apache Commons
- Apache LDAP API 1.0-M6 released - this is their new client library
- Apache Commons Compress 1.2, bug fixes, announcement of EOL for Java 1.4 with this release
- Apache James jDKIM 0.2 - support for verification and signing for maillets
- Apache HttpComponents HttpCore 4.1.3 GA released
- Gaelyk 1.0
- Groovy with a static mode - I think the chosen name is extremely rude and obnoxious
- “Not being statically typed is a connoisseurs criticism, and connoisseurs generally chase after things that are interesting rather than good”
- “In my opinion there are three large barriers to Groovy adoption in the mainstream: performance, tooling, and bugs”
- Jochen clarified saying the mode would be @StaticTyped or similar and would not provide anything other than compilation errors - no performance improvements. Much of the work is already done in Eclipse so it would be pulling that out.
Patent Talk
- Microsoft reveals they invited Google to the consortium to buy the Novell patents - Google saw it as a trap (groklaw) as did everyone else.