Unsupported Operation 61
Java / Misc
- OpenBD 2.0 - BlueDragon Cold Fusion service
- JesCov - Javascript Coverage
- JDK7 Rhino
- The Hudson Book - free eBook
- Java for Mac OSX Updated - 6u29
- Azul JVM 5
- Flyway 1.5 database migrations framework
- Jersey 1.5
- New Release of Restlet 2.1 with improved OSGi support available
- Artifactory 2.4 - can now operate as a YUM/APT repositories
- PCollections 2.1.2 - not sure when this was release but only just discovered. Nice persistent collections framework for Java.
- BicaVM - a JVM written.... in JavaScript
- Wireframe Sketcher 3 released - UI mockup designer.
- Adobe kills Mobile Flash, “Open Sources” FLEX
- Apache Tika 1.0 - Standards-based, Content and Metadata Detection and Analysis Toolkit
- Groovy 1.8.4 - fixed issues with gradle and frails, and 2.0-beta-1 - invoke dynamic support, static type checking, and more
- Apache Maven PMD Plugin 2.6
- Vote for Maven 3.0.4 on now!
- Pomegranate is a new REPL/script based dependency manager from Chas Emerick, somelike like Grapes/@Grab from Groovy
- Clojure-conj 2011 is on - I’m still on the fence for eyes-forward conferences, for deep technical topics like a lot of things here I think it works well.
- Any.do is a new Todo/GTD app for Android ( and iPhone, and web ) - startup gets $1mil funding. Their first app was Taskos, which was awesome - and explains some of its similarities.
- Apple ordered to show source code to Samsung in Australia
- Faceunlock fooled by a photo - who saw that one coming?