Unsupported Operation Episode 59
- TeamCity 6.5.5 bugfix released
- Sonar 2.11 - new cross project analytics
- Google Plus for Google Apps finally - except for Android app
- Google Dart binaries for download from DartForce
- Did we say Spring 3.1.0-RC1 was released? Its a bit yawny but I’m sure there is something in there for someone who listens.
- JBoss 4 and 5 get pwned - connects to JMX console and executes perl scripts in context of JBoss user.
- Oracle’s Anti-Android trial delayed until next year and split into 3 parts
- Stephen Coleborne critical on JCP transparency again
- Interesting point about the method reference syntax silently changed, then mentioned in a developerWorks article.
- John Smart goes all out with his Acceptance Test Driven Development framework Thucydides.
- Good to watch this project grow, from my measily contribution which was more John showing somehow how pulls worked with github.
- Apples ALAC Lossless Codec goes open source - interesting that its not long after Steve’s death and we see code being open sourced. I wonder if we’d have seen this with Steve at the helm?
- NZOUG this week - worth going?
- Android SDK r15 released just after r14 - small bugfix update.
- Ruboto - never saw this before - Ruby for Android, as both an IRB REPL/script host, or full applications.
- JDon - DDD/CQRS framework - Immutability is everything
- Apache Commons Digest 3.1 released -
- Apache Derby
- Apache Archiva 1.4-M1 - their Maven proxy server (includes OSGI metadata search)
- Apache Commons Db Utils 1.4
- Subversion 1.7.1
- OpenWebBeans 1.1.2
- Hacking a dependency