Unsupported Operation 52
- As discussed in newsgroup, Lamba syntax essentially decided
- JavaZone 2011 videos on vimeo
- Is Dash the death of GWT or JavaScript? Google releases new Dash “semantec web language” from Lars Bak and Gilad Bracha
- Scalate 1.5.2 released - template library
- Play 2.0 - available for Java as well, but looks extra nice for Scala. Drops Groovy based templates for Scala based ones.
- Commons Configuration 1.7 released
- Wicket 1.5 released.
- Tomcat continues to have security issues - this time an authentication bypass. Seems to affect AJP users - really you should be using http proxy not AJP - however REMOTE_USER is not passed in http proxy by default.
- Apache POI hit its 10th anniversay and released 3.8 beta 4. Changes here.
- Apache James hits beta3 of 3.0
- Apache MyFaces Core hits 2.0.8 - lots of bug fixes and improvements (list is quite long).
- Apache MyFaces Extensions CDI 1.0.1 released (no idea what CDI is)
- Apache JackRabbit continues its march of endless releases just like a real rabbit. Hits 2.2.8 - I actually like this.
- Open Web Beans 1.1.1
- Aether and Sisu are now officially Eclipse Aether and Eclipse Sisu. Provisioning requests have been made, we'll be up and running soon!