After a brief Easter hiatus we're back with some more news and commentary on the Java landscape.
Java / Tools / Misc
- Java SE 1.6u25
- Spring Social 1.0.0 M3
- Spring/Eclipse - dmServer/Virgo, Gemini
- Eclipse forms a "security team".
- 4 Seats available for special JCP election.
- JavaONe 2011 announced
- Netbeans 7 released.
- Infinitest updated
- Esper 4.2
- Terracotta 3.5.1 ( includes Ehcache 2.4.2, Quartz 2.0.0 )
- Native Google Docs Android Application
- Google IO 2011 Schedule Announced
- AppEngine 1.4.3 out - concurrent requests, remote api support, deferred api support, files api update, task queues, and cron updates.
- Google successfully sued over Bedrock Computer Technologies patent.
- Introduction to Ceylon series.
- TorqueBox 1.0.0 released - Application Server for Ruby based on JBossAS/JRuby.
- clojure.contrib.sql moves to in core
- Steve Yegge making waves in clojure
- Midge 1.1.1 released
- Groovy 1.8 final released - 472 fixes or new minor features
- Command Chains
- GPars included
- Closures can now be annotation params, composed, memoized, and trampolined.
- Native JSON support
- Diamond operator support.
- Gant updated to 1.9.4 to support Groovy 1.8
- Apache Beans Validation 0.3 released - now passes the Bean Validation TCK.
- Apache LDAP 1.0.0-M3 released.
- Apache Sling testing tools.
- Apache Karaf 2.1.5 released, updated to Felix 3.0.9
- Maven License Verifier Plugin 0.3
- Sonar 2.7
- No link, but a new inspection added to catch downcast random based on this hacker news discussion. The problem seems quite prevalent.