Red bags always give me the shivers
Java / Tools / Misc
- Oracle have subpoenaed Apache for details relating to Apache Harmony. Another article on INfoq.
- Oracle proposes to move Hudson to Eclipse - whoops we didn’t want it after all. Still own the name?
- Good analysis and commentary from Ian Skerrit
- Sonatype have announced they’re donating all their Maven3/Hudson work to the Hudson project.
- Oracle ordered to reduce claims against Google from 132 to 3
- JCP Special Election Results
- Steve Northover - father of SWT joins Oracle of Client Java lead
- Attachmate lays off 300+ Mono developers - project is well - potentially, and effectively dead?
- Update - this story doesn’t seem as bad as it did originally, looks like its only 30 or so Mono developers, but 700+ developers in total let go. Sounds likes it may only be MonoTouch based folk...
- Xeblum - mixing Selenium and Fitnesse together
- Puppet Labs releases Faces, and changes to Apache License (from GPL)
- 1.0.7 of PrettyTime - social style time formatting for #Java
- Hibernate 3.6.4 Final - minor updates. Hibernate Core 4.0.0 Alpha3 also available
- Hazelcast 1.9.3 final
- SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6.1 released
- Spring Android 1.0.0.M3
- Whiley 0.3.5 released - compiler now split into two components - wyc which emits wyil bytecode, and wycj which converts wyil to java bytecode, paving the way to potentially emit llvm bytecode in the future.
- #Brisk now available - #Hadoop powered by #Cassandra #NoSQL
- Lily 1.0 released - Hadoop+Solr+Lucene CMS
- Membrane 2 released - HTTP/SOAP/JSON monitor
- Smack 3.2.0 / Spark 2.6.0
- Elastic Search 0.16.1
- Alex Blewit’s posted a nice screencast on using Git + Gerrit + Jenkins for iOS development
- Mozilla Rhino makes it move to Github
- IntelliJ IDEA 10.5RC2 is out ( release notes ), adds remote debugging support to Android.
- New IDEA Keyboard stickers available
- New TeamCity 6.5 EAP out - final version out shortly. Removes most restrictions apart from builds, improved git branching/personal build support - no more user name required.
- GWT 2.3 Released with IE9 support
- GWT Dispatch 1.2.0
- Google Music to arrive at IO 2011
- Google App Engine now supports Go
- Android 3.1 released
- Android videos from IO 2011
Web Foo
- Vaadin 6.6.0 aka San Francisco released, updated with GWT 2.3, new mobile focus, new filtering API, new visual designer for Eclipse.
- ZK 5.0.7 released (full release notes) - IE9, FF4 support,
- Traffic Server 2.1.8 unstable released (weird!) - its a caching proxy server
- Tomcat 7.0.14 - minor release, but includes all the changes from the unreleased 7.0.13 release
- Commons Discovery 0.5 released - discovering implementations for pluggable interfaces
- Apache jumps into the AMQP fray with Qpid 0.10 - Java/C++ impls and lots of client libs. More palatable than Erlang IMHO.
- OpenNLP 1.5.1-incubator release - its a machine learning package. Something very important to Google on reading Into the Plex.
- Apache Derby - support JDK7 JDBC and lots of other stuff
- Karaf 2.2.1 -
- Apache Roller 5.0 -
Apache Maven
- Maven Doxia Tools 1.4
- Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.8
- Maven Shared Resources 1 - Horrible version number, just a single number... yuck.
- Maven License Verifier 0.4
- Maven Deploy Plugin 2.6 - deployed snapshot name has different build numbers
- for multiple artifacts of the same build and other minor updates
- Browsing central now redirects you to
- Sonatype Nexus - fixes bug with wrong repo url if have define a base url with a trailing slash
- Maven Coffee Plugin 1.1.0 - simple coffeescript-to-javascript compiler plugin for maven ( by Mark )
- Maven Central IP change ( temp. ) coming up on Monday
- Groovy Eclipse 2.5
- Gaelyk 0.7 - support for Groovy 1.8, App Engine 1.5
- Martin Odersky and the Scala Solutions team joining with Jonas Boner and forming TypeSafe
- Why we invested in Typesafe ( Greylock Partners - $3mil investment )
- Scala 2.9 released
- Akka 1.1 released - Actors and now Monads - oh dear, we’ll never understand Scala now.
- Clojure 1.3 Alpha 7
- Clojure Atlas now available
- Seesaw 1.0 - Clojure/Swing bridge
- Reminder: clojure-contrib is deprecated, look to to find the new library you actually want #clojure
- Marginalia 0.5.1
- PostgreSQL 9.0.4 released, 9.1beta available for testing.
- OWASP New Zealand Day is on 7 July