Unsupported Operation Episode 23 (mp3)
Java / Tools
- GWT 2.1.1 now available
Minor update with improvements to 2.1’s RequestFactory based on feedback, and non-googler patches.
Includes updates to Google Plugin for Eclipse and the GWT Designer. - QCon video - LMAX: How to do 100k TPS at leass than 1ms latency
Martin Thompson and Michael Barker talk about building a HPC financial system handling over 100k TPS. - Infinispan 4.2.0 Final released ( also, 5.0.0.ALPHA1 released) - what used to be JBoss Cache, in memory cache that supports JTA,
JSR-107 JCACHE, persistent and relicated/distributed. - Google set to launch the WindowBuilder Java GUI designer and CodePro Profiler at Eclipse, donating code worth over $5 million
- Cezanne is an awesome looking LAF for Swing - and when we say awesome, we mean sexy.
- Tapestry 5.2.4 available.
- Sonar 2.4 released
- Jetbrains release YouTrack 2.2 - Christmas Edition
- OpenSearch Support
- Code prettify ( uses google-code-prettify library )
- “christmas tricks” hidden unobtrusively in the install….
- Activiti in Action book - now in MEAP by Tijs Rademakers and Ron Van Liempd
- Android 2.3 Gingerbread source code released.
- Trillian for Android out of beta, in the Market
- Ninjas unbox Nexus S
- Solving the expression problem with clojure by Stuart Sierra, not a “release”, but a great article.
- GPars 0.11 released
- Groovy 1.7.6 released - moved to JUnit 4.8.2 and IVY 2.2.0, some testing done with Java 7 builds
- MINA - their NIO protocol stack went 2.0.2, mostly around bugs (but these kinds of bugs tend to be difficult)
- JackRabbit 2.2.0, interesting they switched to logback (from logs) as their default but use sl4fj
- Derby
- UIMA - component architecture and framework for the analysis of unstructured content like text, video and audio data - hits 2.3.1