- Unsupported Operation Episode 9 (mp3). Theme music is "Emotion Upgrade" by John Zealey.
- Java
- Oracle is suing Google over Android, early days yet - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38684074/
- Wicket 1.4.10 and 1.5-M1 released
- 1.5 - a more powerful and flexible request processing pipeline
- 1.4 - bug fixes + Delayed component initialization, Component configuration
- FEST-Assert 1.3.1 delayed
- Maven 3 beta 2 out
- Maven SCM 1.4 plugin released - no more GIT PUSH!
- Maven Release plugin (almost) released
- Maven Surefire 1.6 released (almost)
- youtrack-maven-plugin 1.0.3 released - weeeeeee
- Grails 1.3.x got release, 1.2.x didn't due to outstanding issue with functional-testing plugin the are trying to track down
- Skinny Wars: allows for default dependencies of Grails to be provided, including only plugins and project itself
- GSPs finally able to get their line numbers correct
- Groovy++ traits may be making their way into Groovy core
- Luke Daley releases a Groovy DSL for Selenium 2 called Geb. Integrates with Spock and Grails.
- Evidence of me in Ubuntu! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/clojure-maven-plugin/1.3.3-2
- Redcar IDE 0.3.9 released - new remote editing support
- IronClad - a new Webstart based clojure game. Interesting thread on the clojure list came from the announcement as well.
- Steve Purcell released an autocompletion for clojure/emacs - http://github.com/purcell/ac-slime
- Getting Clojure is a new help resource site
- Pinky 1.4 has been released http://wiki.github.com/pk11/pinky/
- Interview with Martin ( Talking about Scala & Clojure) http://blog.fogus.me/2010/08/06/martinodersky-take5-tolist/#fnref:cufp
- Over 50% of Scala projects (500 or so) have been converted to Scala 2.8 and Scala 2.9 features are already in the nightly builds (parallel collections)
- Lift 2.0 released, and its got some pretty impressive additions.
- Novell have released a product called Pulse that seems to build on Lift 1.0
- Looks to be Wave like, for workgroups
- Virtual Box 3.2.8 released - extra 2D/3D support
- Pulse Continuous Integration Server 2.2 released - from Zutubi (Sydney) - Daniel Ostermeier (ex Atlassian ) and Jason Sankey, previous CITCON-ANZ attendees
- First trojan hit Android phones this month When installing apps, be careful of the permissions!
- Also fake Tweetdeck appeared for sale in the Android marketplace as well ( Tweetdeck is darn nice too! )