Unsupported Operation Episode 71
- Android Tap Keyboard - youtube demo video
- OpenJDK 7 and 8 for OSX - OpenJDK 8 for Mac now with Jigsaw modules!
- OpenJDK 7 ported to Haiku ( screenshot )
- JDK8 - Selected Updates
- Apple releases 2nd Java Update in 2 days
- TeamCity 7.0.2 from Jetbrains.
- Youtrack 4.0 EAP with new Agile/Scrum board.
- Clojure Programming from Chas Emerick now available on Amazon Kindle.
- async-http-client 1.7.2 released.
- Built with Apache Wicket is a new tumblr blog showcasing various apps/sites built with the Apache Wicket web framework.