Unsupported Operation Episode 36 - Lionel Richie had a song like this.
- VMWare launches Cloud Foundry
- OLAP4j
- Google Guava r9 available
- Glassfish 3.1
- GlassFishHosting.net
- Email from the GAE regarded as spam
- Jersey 1.6
- Neo4J 1.3
- Oracles starts a new bi-monthly Java Magazine
- Aqua look and feel lands in the Mac OSX OpenJDK port
- Apache Click 2.3.0
- Uncle Bob posts The Last Programming Language remote keynote he ‘gave’ at ACCU 2011
- Geek Time with Josh Bloch
- Cloudbees now supports the Grails plugin
- I must not understand grails - does Grails have its own “build” tool?
- Jenkins now has a native OSX .pkg installer
- Sitebricks webframework moves to Github - 0.8.4 released.
- New TeamCity 6.5 EAP
- IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 EAP 106.491 - only a week until the feature freeze for 10.5, new shiftless code completion and navigation.
- YouTrack New Energy EAP with custom workflow. Along with a language/IDE to edit them in! Workflows look impressive!
- Tycho 0.11.0 - building eclipse plugins with maven
- Hibernate Search 3.4.0.CR2 - requires Lucene 3.1
- Gavin King releases a new language, Ceylon * About the language * Ceylon - a clarification
- Red Hat submits JSR for Infinispan^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H distributed caching. JCP doesn’t like it, JSR-107 (Java Caching JSR) was also recently reactivated by members of Terracotta, Oracle, and even Red Hat…
- Jira 4.3.2 / Jira 4.4 EAP 3 - EAP highlights:
- FishEye 2.5.4
- Crucible 2.5.4
- Crowd 2.2.4
- Apache POI 3.8beta2 released.
- Apache Neethi 2.0.5 and 3.0 - support for WS-Policy
- Programming in Scala, First Edition now online for free
- Groovy 1.8rc4 released - not long till final
- JRuby 1.6.1 out
- Tail recursion and debugging - humourous.
- Videos from the recent Microsoft MIX11 conference online - there’s often some good web/ui/ux sessions, so worth checking out even if you’re not a .NETer.
- Scroll Reverser for OSX - get in practice for Lion. OSX Lion reverses the scrolling behaviour to be similar to the iPad/iPhone - this little usermode utility mimicks the behaviour.