Java / Tools
- Java 1.6 Update 24 released
- Akka 1.0 is final
- Ehcache 2.4 with search
- Eclipse Code Reminders - looks interesting, higher level completions.
- HTML 5 Completion Date - May 22, 2011 has been
confirmed as the “Last Call” — after that time, no new features
will be added to the HTML5 specification. - renderSnake for HTML rendering “in code”
- HSearch - Hadoop Search Engine
- Cassandra make two mini releases
- Selenium Builder open sourced
- Jetbrains launch hosted YouTrack - what could be next? Hosted TeamCity?
- Netbeans 7 beta 2 - comes with git support preview
- Netbeans support for Ruby/Rails to live on with support from the JRuby community
- Eclipse for the web - Project Orion M5 available
- Axon Framework 1.0 “almost released”
- Fallout continues as developers drop hudson plugins, and question the governance model
- Hudson moves over to Github
- Proof the Hudson is the Fork
- An interesting “two weeks later” post about
Hudson/Jenkins, way more commits to Jenkins, “Yesterday I joined #hudson by acident. Old haabit. And were kicked of immidately becaus it’s an invite only channel” - interesting comment. - Alex Blewitt posted a short screencast on using Git, Gerrit, and Jenkins together.
- Apache Karaf 2.1.4 released
- Archiva has security update
- Roboguice went 1.1.1
- Microsoft bans Open Source from their market place, more
- Universal acceptable on IA list that Contracts is rubbish
- Google Plugin for Eclipse and GWT 2.2 now available
- GAE 1.4.2 released for Java - better XMPP and Task API enhancements
- Google Apps Shell
- Groovy Lint
- Groovy 1.7.8
- First RC of Groovy 1.8
- Grails 1.3.7 released
- Compojure 0.6 released
- Openar is a new Swing based interactive clojure environment
- TextMash is another pure java editor for clojure
- Clojure REPL for Android
- ElephantDB is a distributed database for Hadoop written in Clojure