41degrees and melting - and we still bring you the news!
- Activiti 5.2
- Spring GemFire 1.0.0 Released for Java and .NET - The Spring GemFire
project aims to make it easier to build Spring-powered highly scalable applications using GemFire as distributed data management
- Jenkins First Release - Interestingly there was a comment on the
Hudson list that existing Hudson installs point to the update site which will push ( and replace ) their Hudson
installs with Jenkins automatically, and that if they didn’t want to switch they should switch manually to the
Hudson release thats coming out soon - think of all those who don’t really care tooooo much who’ll update,
and just go with Jenkins :) Meanwhile, Sonatype discusses Hudsons Bright
Future, sounds like the Hudson code base needs some
weeding: Too many forked dependencies, getting rid of Jelly, adding tests!
- Hibernate 3.6.1-Final released:
- Better support for large string/binary ( BLOB, LOB, LONGVARCHAR, LONGVARBINARY ), relates esp. for Oracle, PostgreSQL,
and MS SQL Service
- JPA 2.0 fixes
- Jackson 1.7.2 and 1.6.5 released
- Google releases Contracts for Java to open source.
Hamlet D’Arcy reports via twitter that “Java Contracts: The
“String” contracts get compiled, so the type of the annotation parameter is not String but Source.”
- Git 1.7.4 released
- Open JDK Bylaws:
- 2 Oracle reps, 1 IBM - none of whom have a track record in Java
- 2 independents (Doug Lea, Mark Milinkovich - Eclipse foundation director)
- Original charter was going to be independents outnumber Sun
- No RedHat, Google or Apple (all who have contributed to OpenJDK)
- Spec licenses to deal with GPL (OpenJDK) vs licenses in JCPs
- Seam 3.0.0 Beta1 released
- Java Hangs When Converting 2.2250738585072012e-308
Apache Maven
- New Android Market Webstore
- Buyer currency - Sellers can set the value of the app in specific currencies. So it can be fixed in your own
currency (e.g. NZ 99c) and floating in currencies you care less about.
- You can buy stuff inside your app with InApp billing
- New Honeycomb Chrome Theme
- New Lisp meetup to be held @ Tangleball soon in Auckland, see the Lisp NZ site for details.
- Groovy++ Web console upgraded to Groovy ++ 0.4.150
- Groovy 1.7.7 released, along with new beta of 1.8
- Ongoing performance work on primitive integers
- Gpars is now part of groovy-core
- Built in json support
Scala / JRuby