Monday, October 18, 2010

Unsupported Operation 16

Unsupported Operation 16

It’s been a few weeks since the last Unsupported Operation, but we’re back with another set of news and views (mp3).






  • AquaFold 9 - new Open APIs
  • Eclipse Virgo Milestone 5 - Milestone 5 of Eclipse Virgo 2.1.0 is available from the download page. We plan to ship the 2.1.0 release by the end of October. Highlights of this milestone:
    • Upgrade Equinox to 3.6.1
    • Remove unnecessary bundles from kernel and shrink the classpath
    • Distinguish more clearly between kernel and web server in documentation
    • Bug 325334: Import-Bundle of fragment that does not specify bundle version range
    • Rename service scoping control property
    • Various diagnostic improvements
    • Improve permission handling in Windows startup scripts and document a workaround
    • Add empty pickup directory to kernel zip
    • Various minor improvements
  • Netbeans 6.10 renamed to Netbeans 7.0


  • Maven 3
  • Maven Release Plugin 2.1
  • Maven Assembly Plugin 2.2
  • Maven Antrun Plugin 1.6
  • Maven Common Artifact Filters 1.3
  • Maven Java EE 6 archetypes 1.2 released
  • Maven Checkstyle Plugin 2.6
  • Maven Linkcheck Plugin 1.0.1
  • Apache Wicket 1.4.12 released, this release brings a fix to a critical bug which prevented ajax form submits in FireFox.
  • Apache Wicket 1.5-M2.1 - This is the second milestone of the new 1.5.x Wicket series. The focus of 1.5.x is to provide our users with a more powerful and flexible request processing pipeline. This release is NOT production-ready, it is more of a technology demo that should facilitate user-feedback we can fold into the next milestone. New and noteworthy items in this milestone include Inter-component event mechanism which allows components to communicate in a decoupled fashion, and improved resource caching.
  • Apache Buildr 1.4.3 released, addressed a critical fault where zip/jars could be corrupted, but a whole lot of other changes as well. Buildr is a cross between Ant and Maven, like Gradle, but written in Ruby
  • Apache Derby released
    • Derby is a slow as buggery Java RDBMS that is included in JDK6
    • This release addresses a data corruption issue for unique index corruption. Existing unique nullable constraints may need to be repaired [1].
      Users may also want to consider the recently found upgrade issue regarding triggers[2].
    • Adds in localization for new messages created in 10.6
    • Derby is used in Glassfish
  • Apache CXF 2.3.0 finally released - Lots in this release, probably biggest for me is @WSDLDocumentation. What’s new in CXF 2.3.0:
    • JAX-WS 2.2 Compliant (passes TCK)
    • JAX-RS 1.1 Compliant (passes TCK)
    • New annotations for Java first use cases to reduce the need for external configuration and provide more control over the runtime and generated WSDL
    • @WSDLDocumentation annotation to add documentation nodes to generated wsdl
    • @SchemaValidation annotation to turn on schema validation
    • @DataBinding to set the databinding used (if other than JAXB)
    • @GZIP to turn on GZIP compression
    • @FastInfoset to turn on FastInfoset support
    • @Logging to turn on and control various Logging functionality
    • @EndpointProperty to configure endpoint properties
    • @Policy to associate WS-Policy documents with the service
    • SOAP/JMS spec implementation. While CXF has supported SOAP over JMS since 2.0, there wasn’t a standard specification to describe how it
      should be done so different vendors did things differently and
      interoperability was impossible. The new SOAP/JMS specification
      support implements the new SOAP/JMS spec to achieve a higher
      degree of interoperability.
    • SDO databinding
    • Schema Validation support for Aegis Databinding if Woodstox 4 is used for the Stax parser