- Java
- Netty 3.2.2 Final out - mostly bug fixes to community reported bugs.
- Naked Objects moves to Apache, renames itself to Apache Isis.
- ZK 5.0.4 released
- Apache HttpComponents releases 4.1-beta2
- Ning's Async Http Client 1.1.0 released
- Jackson JSON Parser 1.6 released
- Stephen Colebourne released Joda-Convert, and Joda-Primitives 1.0
- Apache ECS and ORO retired
- Apache OpenJPA 2.0.1 released
- Apache Ant Compress
- JBehave 3.0
- JVM language summit sessions online
- Infinispan 4.1.0 released - used to be JBoss Cache
- Apache OpenWebBeans 1.0.0-alpha2 released
- Automatic resource management makes it into Open JDK 7
- JClouds about to release a new beta
- JBoss Weld put out a new beta for 1.1
- ClickIDE released - Eclipse IDE plugin for the Click webframework - component/event based framework from Apache - sounds nice but never used.
- Apple releases new JDK to developer site
- JDK7 delayed till 2011...... darn those mutable Dates.
- Groovy
- Groovy 1.8 to add some freaky extras to DSL capabilities. with GEP-3
- Groovy powers Android Layout editor
- GPars adds Speculators
- Gaelyk 0.4.4 released - Added namespace support for multi tenancy
- Griffon turns 2 - happy birthday young lad!
- Clojure
- Leiningen 1.3.1 released
- Chas Emerick announces "Clojure Programming" from O'Reily
- Scala
- EtherPad enters Alpha, runs on Scala
- JavaFX
- FxContainer - a dependency injection container for JavaFX
- Mobile
- OSX Desktop Notifications for Android Devices
- Microsoft stage funeral march for iPhone/Blackberry for Windows Phone 7 release - but no Android? Is this because Android's sleep and dream of electric sheep, rather than die?
- Apple 180s on VMs and languages for iPhone - will a JVM surface from Oracle to fight Android?
- Tools
- Jetbrains release TeamCity 5.1.4
- Amazon release Micro instances (613Mb RAM)
- IcedTea 1.9 released, Visual VM split out
- Misc
Theme music is "Emotional Upgrade" by John Zeeley, used under Creative Commons.