Unsupported Operation 80
- Java 7u21, 5 & 6 also got new versions, despite being out of support
- New Server JRE which removes all Applet and jfx stuff
- Slow Train Coming - Java 8 delayed
- JDK 8 Javadoc gets a light tweaking for method listings
- Java 8 Optional
- Virgil is a new Function/OO hybrid language for the JVM and native platforms. PLDI paper.
- TeamCity 7.1.5
- IntelliJ 12.1.2 EAP builds already showing up
- NetRexx 3.02RC - The Original JVM Scripting Language returns
- Sneaky peek at Redline Smalltalk plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
- JBoss Application Server renamed to WildFly
- CodeMania 2013 talks appearing on YouTube Channel
- GVM 1.0 released
- OpenJPA 1.2.3
- Wicket 6.7
- Derby
- OpenNLP 1.5.3
- MRUnit 1.0.0
- Bloodhound 0.5.3