Monday, July 26, 2010

Unsupported Operation 6

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Unsupported Operation 5

Unsupported Operation 5

Big news of the week:

Software unpatentable in NZ


Apache PDFBox 1.2.1 - bug fixes

Apache OpenWebBeans - JSR-299 "Context and Dependency Injection for Java" and JSR-330 "atinject". Incubator project.

Apache Tomcat 6.0.28 released

Selenium 2.0a5 out

Apache JMeter 2.4 out - must be Java 1.5, records HTTPS sessions, supports JUnit 4 annotations, support for javax.script, new samplers and additions to samplers for Mail, SMTP, JMS (not loosing messages).

Sonar 2.2 released -

Project Coin updates with resource statements? this done?

JSF 2.1 now in Glassfish nightlies. Mostly performance enhancements from 1.2 contributed by Oracle.



Clojure 1.2 Beta 1 released


Scala - Play for Scala 0.7 out

Scala 2.8 final out (and Martin indicates he is leaving University to form a commercial support company for Scala - do you have evidence of this apart from the comment on uncle bob's ( name?) blog? ) No, do you think its fake?

Maciej Matyjas gave a talk on "Scaling Web Apps with Akka" for LSUG at Skillsmatter in London. The video and slides are online

Scala IDE has gone final for 2.8.0 - blog.

Every man and his dog have updated their libraries to run with 2.8 - (scalasti 0.4.1,classutil 0.2.1,grizzled-slf4j 0.2.4,avsl 0.2.4,Grizzled Scala 0.7.3,logula 1.0.3)


FEST’s JavaFX Compiler Maven Plug-in 1.0b2




New book, Groovy for DSLs

Gaelyk hits 0.4.2. 0.4 introduced plugins, 0.41 performane improvements and tracking GAE API, and 0.4.2 bug fixes.



Pretext released - automatticaly intercept and reply to SMS messages when driving.

Symbian^3 now supports CLDC - plus a whole heap of other mobile related JSRs



Green Hopper 5.1 now out

SourceForge 2.0 now offers SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar. DVCS byebye!

JetBrains YouTrack taken off the (for sale) market....

Atlassian get USD 58M in funding


Dunce of the week

Roo gets its own book and podcast. Shoulda been called RooPood.